Psalm 129:1-2 "Many a time have they
afflicted me from my youth, may Israel now say: (2) Many a time have they
afflicted me from my youth: yet they have not prevailed against me."
There are times when I feel like it would have been
wonderful if the Lord had just completely taken away the carnal side of man. It
would have been nice if we would not ever have to worry about making wrong
decisions or saying something wrong. But then, it would be heaven. The Psalmist
was acknowledging that this world troubled him and in so doing has encouraged
all Israel (both national and spiritual Israel) to admit the same thing. This
world truly is not my home and I'm not to get so accustomed to it that I forget
that fact.
I think it would be nice without having to deal with sin,
but then I'm afraid I might not lean so heavily upon the Lord if I felt I could
things on my own. I do not pretend to know the mind of God, but I do know that
I need Him every moment of my life. Having to deal with my weaknesses draws me
closer to His strength.
Paul spoke often about the things of life and how it affects
us. He came to the conclusion that he would glory in those things. He did not
rejoice because of anything he could do to combat it; rather, he rejoiced
because in those moments he felt the presence and power of the Lord Jesus
Christ. We read about that in 1 Corinthians chapter 12. And then in Romans
chapter 8, he gives us the beautiful news that none of those things which cause
us trouble in this life can never separate us from the love of God in Christ
Jesus. Thank you Lord for your grace upon me!