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Daily Devotion: December 19, 2019

Psalm 134:2-3    "Lift up your hands in the sanctuary, and bless the LORD. (3)  The LORD that made heaven and earth bless thee out of Zion."

Picture an infant learning to walk. It's steps are short, uneasy, and not knowing if the next moment will find a foot planted on the floor or the entire body laying because of a missed step. He doesn't realize it, but his mother is within arm's length of him. She seems a thousand miles away.  She is close enough to catch him, but he doesn't realize that. With each step, he lifts his hands and arms toward his mother. He is pleading, "Please help me. Don't let me fall."

By lifting his hands, he is expressing confidence and trust in the ability of his mother to help him. In other times, he sees his mother or father across the room. He has conquered the walking thing, but out of joy, he runs across the room with his arms outstretched and hands lifted just to be close to his parents and held in their arms.

A few years later, he is learning to ride his new bike. He is wobbly again. This is something he has never had to do before. Suddenly, the bike tips over. He hits the ground. He looks up and sees his father standing (usually running toward him), he gets up and runs to his father with his arms and hands out. He is both fearful and hurting. His father and mother can help him.

Years later, he has on a cap and gown. He has accomplished a great thing by getting his education. He is ready to face the world. He is equipped and ready to start his own family and support them with his own finances. As the graduation ceremony ends, he looks for his parents. He finds them in the crowd (of course they have never taken their eyes off him). He runs to them with his arms and hands out to embrace them in gratitude. He now realizes the sacrifices they have made in order for him to get to this point in life.

What does this have to do with our verses today? I'm glad you asked. When did we become so sophisticated that it became incorrect for us to hold out our arms and hands unto our Lord who has done all the above and so much more for us? Our God is worthy of our adoration, our trust, our gratitude, our need for consolation, our everything. Should we not be willing to unashamedly show our love for Him? It's a simple thing and I grant you it may be miss-used at times. But does that mean I can never do it out of a loving heart for my God?
"Lift up your hands in the sanctuary, and bless the LORD. The LORD that made heaven and earth bless thee out of Zion."

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