Psalm 127:1 "Except the LORD build
the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city,
the watchman waketh but in vain."
This Psalm was written for Solomon. I have to believe there
are varying levels for which this Psalm is meant. There could definitely be an
application as Solomon was given the task of overseeing the building of the
Temple in Jerusalem. Truly for that monumental event, the Lord had to be the
ONE to direct and bless the efforts of those involved in building that
beautiful house of God.
Another level would be for Solomon's life, and for mine and
your's. Except the LORD build the house, we labor in vain to try to build a
life that is productive and profitable. We cannot direct our own steps in
building a good life. Only the LORD God Almighty can know the proper path for
each of us.
Our salvation is completely dependent upon the LORD's work
in building. We are absolutely saved by grace and not by our own works. It is
the finished work of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ that accomplished full
and complete salvation by the shedding of His righteous blood.
Our daily actions should be built by the LORD. "Father,
what would you have me to do today? Guide my steps. Bless to your glory."
Except the LORD build the house, we labor in vain. But if
the LORD bless our steps, our lives will be to His honor and glory and for our