Psalm 121:1-2 "I will lift up mine
eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. (2) My help cometh from
the LORD, which made heaven and earth."
Do you ever feel so weighted down by the things of life that
you just find it difficult to look up. Often times, we hear people say to
someone else, "Look up. It can't be all that bad." But sometimes, it
does feel "all that bad". Doesn't it? There are times when we are
filled with sorrow, despair, anxiety, frustration, and other emotions that we
feel even our eyes cannot look straight forward.
There was a day when two men were walking down the road.
They were talking about the events of the three previous days. As they talked,
despair and disappointment began to set in. They could not even look up to see
where they were walking. Suddenly, another man began to walk with them and
questioned them as to why they looked so sad. They asked if he was a stranger
and did not know what had taken place? They expressed their hope had been
placed in one man and He had been crucified. He had told them He would raise
from the dead after three days. This was the third day and they had not seen
Him. The man that walked with them? Jesus - the very One for whom they had
expressed disappointment.
David apparently was disappointed or frustrated with the
events of his life, but he knew where his help came from. "I will lift up
mine eyes." When, by faith, I lift my eyes - I can see Jesus. He is
my hope. "On Christ, the solid Rock I stand - all other ground is sinking