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Daily Devotion: Mark 2:13

Mark 2:13   "And he went forth again by the sea side; and all the multitude resorted unto him, and he taught them."

Jesus had just healed the man sick of the palsy. The people confessed they had never seen anything like that before. Jesus healed him physically. Jesus healed him spiritually. He was made whole. What a glorious thought that is, to be made whole. Jesus changed the man in body. Jesus changed the man in spirit. Jesus changed the man in soul, or mind. His whole thought process had been changed by the entrance of the power of the Son of God. We can experience that same kind of power if we humble ourselves before the Lord.

This is what brings me to today's subject. "He taught them." I confess to you that many times I read the Bible and I want to see the big picture. But there are great blessings if you take time to look at the pictures within the picture. My first thought of today's verse is that Jesus had a multitude of people who resorted to Him. They either accompanied Him to the sea side, or they came to Him after He went there. I see there were always crowds of people around Jesus. I wonder what the people were seeking. What was their innermost need that Jesus could give them? No doubt there were many different reasons among the people that day.

Jesus had one purpose. "He taught them." I remember school days. I was taught a lot of things. I had teachers who were extremely bright in their approach to teaching. I had teachers who, looking back, probably saw teaching as a job and not a calling. I had teachers who were excited to impart their knowledge to others. But for all the teachers who stood before the class, I have to say they could only teach those who had a desire to learn.

Jesus taught the people. I wonder how many truly had a desire to learn. If there were Pharisees in the crowd, I doubt they were teachable. In their own eyes, they knew everything already. No doubt there were curiosity seekers who wondered how a carpenter could ever teach them anything. There were probably those who had no desire to learn. Don't teach me, just give me a passing grade.

Then I have to look in the mirror. Where do I stand? Do I think I already know everything and there is no need to even open my Bible. Am I a curiosity seeker to try to see this man who knew how to handle the crowd? Am I even interested in learning? Just give me a good enough grade to pass the test. Otherwise, I will get by the best I can.

This morning I say, "Jesus, please teach me." I don't want to simply have knowledge. I want Jesus. I want His presence. I want His person. I want His grace. I want to grow in both knowledge and grace of my Lord Jesus. How about you?

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