And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men. – Matthew 4:19
Have you ever wondered why the Lord called the Apostles to be fishers of men? Why not hunters or trappers? Surely such activities were found in first century Israel. I think the answer lies in the nature of fishing that makes it different from the others. The fisher casts a net or a line without knowing if it will come back empty or full. They cast in hope.
As we go out into the world each day we are surrounded by people young and old, from varying statuses and cultures. However, we often never know which is a child of God or not. Yet Jesus set the example and encouraged His disciples to be good stewards of the Gospel, sharing it or rather casting it like seed. We never know who will respond or how. Yet we cast in hope.
When next you consider your role in God’s kingdom, be assured that you and I are either faithful to the hope we have or not. If we hope in Christ, then let us cast in hope trusting that out there somewhere is a fish waiting, indeed prepared, for the Gospel.