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Daily Devotion: The Word Revealed - In Prayer, God Wants His Children to Ask - Luke 11:1-13, Luke 18:1-8, and Psalm 143

Ask, Ask Specifically, and Ask Persistently

Read Luke 11:1-13, Luke 18:1-8, and Psalm 143.  There are numerous Biblical passages we could explore in this section to make the point that God calls us to present our requests to Him with great specificity, with unwavering persistence, and with heartfelt passion.  The above three passages make this point powerfully from an intellectual, spiritual, and practical perspective.  There are many areas of our lives in which asking specifically, persistently, and passionately apply.  My challenge to you is to apply this concept to your love relationship with the Lord.  My desire for all of us is that we grow in our love relationship with God through a vibrant prayer life.  If we want to know more of God’s love, ask with the persistence of the friend who comes at midnight in Luke 11.  If we want to love God more passionately, ask with the passion of the widow before the judge in Luke 18.  If we want our hearts to overflow with a burning white-hot love, ask.  Don’t stop asking.

David asked in Psalm 143: 8 & 10, “Cause me to hear Your lovingkindness in the morning, For in You do I trust; Cause me to know the way in which I should walk, For I lift up my soul to You…. Teach me to do Your will, For You are my God; Your Spirit is good. Lead me in the land of uprightness.”  David wanted to grow in His relationship with the Lord.  He wanted to know and do God’s will.  He wanted to walk, and work, and love according to God’s way.  David wanted more than simply to live, he wanted to live for God.  Those who are most mature in their faith are those who plead persistently with God to be made more in love with God, to be made more loving in their life, to be made more patient, to be made more kind, to be made more joyful, to be made more disciplined.  They plead persistently for spiritual blessings, they plead passionately for more of God, His ways, His will.

Pause & Ponder & Pray: Write one page outlining the specific areas that you desire to grow in your love relationship with the Lord.  Be specific and passionate as you write.  Then take a step of vibrant faith and pray this prayer to the Lord persistently.


In recent weeks, The Word Revealed has addressed How to Pray. In particular, these devotionals have focused on our love relationship with the Lord.  The key to growing in that love relationship is simply to pray.  Enter into His presence often and with confidence.  Spend a majority of time in thanksgiving and praise, this is the love language that leads to growth in our love relationship with the Lord.  Run to God with the confession of your sins.  There is no growth in the love relationship when we try to hide our sins.  Pray concerning the ability for you to forgive others of their sins against you.  The more you forgive, the more you love the God that first forgave you.  And finally, be specific and persistent in your requests of God.  Focus as much on your spiritual love relationship with Him as you do on physical matters.

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