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Daily Devotion: The Word Revealed - In Love With God - 1 John Chapters 1-5

In our Christian lives it is important to answer the question, “Does our love for God please Him?”  “Is God honored by how we love Him?”  “Is He thrilled with how passionately we love Him?”  If a person is married, they want the way they love their spouse to thrill and completely satisfy their spouse.  How do we so love our God? Over the last several months, The Word Revealed devotionals have covered many God honoring ways to answer that question.  We love God and grow daily in our love for God when we listen to Him in His love letter to us on a regular basis.  We love God and grow daily in our love for God when we speak to Him in prayer with honesty and passion.  We love God and grow daily in our love for God when we worship Him in a manner which communicates absolute love and adoration.  We love God and grow daily in our love for God when we consciously die to self daily and take up our cross and victoriously follow Him.  But how do we love Him in the most basic and most important manner which demonstrates our great love for Him?  How do we love Him in a fashion which communicates to Him and to the world that we are truly in love with God?

Best Meal I’ve Ever Eaten

Picture a wonderful meal at a grandmother’s home.  The table is set with thought and care.  The smells from the kitchen are causing all the mouths in the house to water in great anticipation.  Then you are seated, and the food presented.  Finally, you eat, and eat, and eat some more.  Everything is absolutely delicious!  What a feast!  How do you honor and adore the grandmother that prepared and served that wonderful meal?  Do you explain that you weren’t really all that hungry today?  No, that would dishonor her.  Do you eat until you are completely full, stand up abruptly, and leave to meet a friend?  No, that would dishonor her as well.  Do you say, “I’ll do the dishes grandma?”  While that would surely be appreciated, that would not fully honor the wonder of that delicious meal and the one who prepared it.  Do you say, “Thanks, Grandma”?  Thanking someone for anything given in love is always appropriate, but that is not the most honoring thing that can be done.  The way to most fully honor that meal is to eat joyfully, to be gloriously filled, and then sit back and say “Ahhhh! That was delicious! That was fantastic!  I am thrilled to have once again sat at your amazing table.  My thirst is quenched, and my hunger is completely satisfied.  I want nothing else.  Thank you, I am completely satisfied!”  John 6:35, “And Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.”  Jesus promises to quench our thirst and to satisfy our hunger. 

Our Highest Calling

Our highest calling is to be delighted in our God.  The most meaningful expression of our love is to be fully satisfied in God and God alone.  This is not some trivial part of our Christian walk.  This is most basic and most important of all.  We are called, we are commanded, to be satisfied, thrilled, delighted with God.  Psalm 37:4a, “Delight yourself also in the LORD.” Psalm 100:2a, “Serve the LORD with gladness.”  Philippians 4:4, “Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!

The three passages just mentioned are all commands.  Commands to be delighted in God, to be glad in God, to be filled with rejoicing concerning Who God is.  But now we look to a passage that is a simple, yet very profound, statement of fact. Psalm 63:3a, “Your lovingkindness is better than life.” Knowing God and being thrilled with God is better than life itself.  That biblical truth means that knowing God and being completely satisfied in Him is better than all this world can offer.  Even wonderful gifts from God are not God.  Gifts from God are gifts.  Only God is God.  Only God fully satisfies our hearts and thrills our souls.  And that means that as good and wonderful as those gifts may be, they are not what totally satisfies our heart and thrills our mind.  A great investment with a phenomenal return, a fulfilling job with wonderful benefits, happy children who honor their father and mother, good trustworthy friends, a new boat, vibrant health, a happy marriage, all these things can be a great blessing and a gift from God.  But these gifts are not what satisfy and thrill us at the most important level.  It is not God’s gifts that thrill and satisfy the most, it is God Himself.  And we show our love for Him most powerfully when we are completely satisfied and thrilled in Him. 

Those who have served on mission trips to impoverished areas are normally shocked, amazed, and humbled by God’s people that have so few of God’s physical gifts, yet they love Him so deeply.  Joy is observed on their faces as they hear of salvation.  Their voices thrill as they sing of the love of God and their love of Him.  The satisfaction is evident in their lives because His loving kindness is better than life itself.  They are living testimonies that God is what truly satisfies our heart and soul.

The Westminster Shorter Catechism presents its’ first question, “What is the chief end of man?”  The answer given reads, “Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and enjoy him forever.”  We most ably glorify God when we enjoy Him, when we are satisfied in Him, when we are thrilled with Him.  The method to glorify Him is to be satisfied with Him and thrilled with Him in everything that you do, 1 Corinthians 10:31, “Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”  We will do all to His glory when we are thrilled with, and satisfied with, His Glory, His majesty, His love for us, His power over all, His wisdom of all things, His righteousness, and His perfection.

When we are thrilled with God and completely satisfied by Him, we join hands with the Psalmist as he cries out, Psalm 73:25-26, “Whom have I in heaven but You? And there is none upon earth that I desire besides You. My flesh and my heart fail; But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.”  The psalmist captures our passion when he says, Psalm 42:1, “As the deer pants for the water brooks, So pants my soul for You, O God.”  The God that is the satisfaction of our heart fills us with joy forevermore, Psalm 16:11b, “In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” The farther we walk on the pathway of loving our Lord the more fully satisfied we will be.  The longer we love Him, the more thrilled we will become.  Let us together love the Lord our God with all our heart, and all our soul, and all our mind, and all our strength. 

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