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Daily Devotion: 2 Chronicles 13:18

2 Chronicles 13:18     "Thus the children of Israel were brought under at that time, and the children of Judah prevailed, because they relied upon the LORD God of their fathers."

King Rehoboam died and now Abijah, his son, is reigning in Judah. Jeroboam is still king of Israel and there is strife between the two nations. Though they are brothers in nationality, they have become enemies of one another. Mainly, Jeroboam sees Judah as the enemy of Israel. It seems he may want to show power to his people because he has taken them from the worship of Jerusalem.

The world always wants to try to prove to the people of God that there is a better way. The way of the world always takes an individual, or a nation, on the downward spiral to destruction. The world tries to make us think they are our friends. The truth of the matter is that the way of the world is the way of Satan and it results in defeat and destruction. The way of the world is pride. The wise man Solomon tells us, "Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall." (Proverbs 16:18)  Jeroboam had demonstrated pride in thinking the golden calves and his plan was better than that which was given to Judah from the Lord.

Judah has brought 400,000 men in their army against the army of Israel which consisted of 800,000 men. Certainly, the larger number would win. Right? I would say the larger number did win, but it wasn't the army of Israel. Judah's army was larger, not in number, but in the fact that the presence of the Lord was with them. There is peace and there is ultimate victory where the presence of the Lord abides.

As they are about to go into battle, Abijah declares to Jeroboam and the people of Israel that Judah has maintained the posture of worship in their daily activities. He spoke the truth concerning Jeroboam making priests of anyone who would bring a sacrifice (to the golden calves). The way of Israel was indeed the way of the world. Judah had maintained integrity in their worship. God honored that true worship in Jerusalem. God gave Judah the victory.

This morning, the world still calls us to go a different way. The world still calls us to take the way of convenience and make shortcuts in our way of worship. The world tells us that any old way will do when God says, only His way is the true way. The world tells us that the gods of the other nations are just as powerful as our God. God tells us that He is the ONLY True and Living God. There is no other. Jesus Christ is THE way, THE truth, and THE life. No man can come unto the Father but by Him. And no man can come unto Him except the Spirit draw him. God tells us, "I have loved thee with an everlasting love; therefore, in lovingkindness have I drawn thee."  You can trust God even when you think you are outnumbered and overpowered. There is hope and there is victory through the Lord God Almighty and His Son, Jesus the Christ.

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