Philemon 1:1-3 "Paul, a prisoner of Jesus Christ, and Timothy our brother, unto Philemon our dearly beloved, and fellowlabourer, (2) And to our beloved Apphia, and Archippus our fellowsoldier, and to the church in thy house: (3) Grace to you, and peace, from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ."
Have you ever put a piece of chocolate in your mouth and let it just set there,
melting? But while it was melting, you were savoring the flavor? This is the
case with these three verses. As I look at them, I can see the various flavors
that are coming through the words. We are secured in the Lord by His perfect
work of redemption. We are bound to Him and nothing can separate us from His
love. We are blessed to have the Holy Spirit dwelling within us and He
presents our imperfect prayers to the Lord. As a result of the Lord's working
in us, we have had grace given and peace experienced within.
We've all heard it said that mercy is when we do not receive what we deserve
and grace is when we receive the goodness of God which we do not deserve.
Paul is setting the stage concerning what he ultimately wants to talk to
Philemon. We have received grace from our Heavenly Father. Though mercy is not
mentioned in these verses, we can know that it is written into the word, grace.
Paul is reminding Philemon that he, himself, received grace and peace. In those
words, Philemon could know that he was also a "runaway" from God, but
the Lord received him back into the fold as a direct result of grace. Certainly
this is not original with me, but I love the thought of GRACE: "God's
Riches At Christ's Expense". Philemon knew in that word, grace, he
did not deserve that which the Lord had accomplished for him in order to
experience the peace between himself and the Lord.
That is a thought that carries me each
day. For you see, I know I am imperfect. I know I am a sinner. I know that my
natural being is completely opposing to that which is God. But I'm so thankful
that through the redemptive work of Jesus Christ I am now a "sinner saved
by grace." Peace has been made between God and myself and that peace
was solely accomplished by Jesus dying in my place on the cross of Calvary's
Hill. I rejoice that God has forgiven me of all my sin. I praise Him that He
has brought me into His family. How about you? Is that high on your list for
which you are thankful?
If I have understood the forgiveness that has been extended to me through my
Lord, then I should be more ready to extend forgiveness to others. God, please
help me to do so.