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Daily Devotion: Philippians 3:7

Philippians 3:7    "But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ."

In the first six verses of this third chapter, Paul speaks of those who come into their midst to boast of their own accomplishments. He had just told them in chapter three to shine in the world of darkness. We tend to refer to people as stars who stand out in society. We have movie stars, sports stars, political stars and such. Paul tells the church at Philippi (and you and me) to beware of those who try to boast of themselves and their works. If you would allow me a moment of levity, we often hear it said, "He that tooteth not his own horn getteth his horn not tooted." That is usually spoken in jest, but we all know there are those who enjoy talking about their accomplishments.  

While talking about the others, Paul took the moment to remind us of his former position in life. He was a Hebrew of the Hebrews. He saw himself as being blameless concerning the law.  He was a Pharisee of the highest order. He had sat at the feet of Gamaliel, the most learned man of the day concerning the law. It might be said that Saul (as he was known in those days) was next in line to take the highest seat of the Jewish religion. That was quite an accomplishment!  

But in this third chapter, Paul is telling the people to beware of those kinds of people. Why?  The answer could be considered to be so simple that we overlook it. Paul, using himself as an example, says those things that tend to lift me up will take away from the glory that we should be seeing in Christ. Our one desire in all things we do should be that Christ would be seen in us and through us. In fact, that is the only way we can shine as lights in this world of darkness.  Those who boast in themselves might be considered shooting stars. They make a flash but then they burn out. The only way to remain consistent in our Christian walk is when we are reflecting the glory of the One Who is the true light of the world. His name is Jesus.

My desire is that Christ would shine and I would be a reflector of His glory.

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