Matthew 3:8 – Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance
How many times have you ever said, “I’m sorry?” If you are like me, that number is very high. We say the words, but do we mean it? We express sorrow, but does it make us change our behavior? Repentance is the real goal, not sorrow.
Repentance is changing direction or turning away from a pattern of behavior. Sorrow is only a motivation for repentance, but it is a common one. If we sorrow over sin and repent, God forgives. The Bible tells us that indeed God desires penitent followers. A penitent man seeks God’s will and not their own.
The consequences of sin are known. Sadness, suffering and death await the unrepentant sinner. Therefore, John cried out for God’s people to Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven was at hand. As the forerunner of Christ, John the Baptist prepared the way of the Lord’s coming by calling for the people to turn away from sin to the truth and covenant of God.
Christ and the Apostles continued this basic message that rings true today. Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand! It is within your grasp by the grace of God. Just turn away from your worldly desires, submit your life to Christ, and bring forth works worthy of repentance. God’s longsuffering desire is for all to come to repentance.
Brothers and sisters, I implore you, I beg you, listen to the Lord and encourage others also. Repent and show Him the fruit of your love.