What man of you, having an hundred sheep, if he lose one of them, doth not leave the ninety and nine in the wilderness, and go after that which is lost, until he find it? – Luke 15:4
I reckon that none of you is likely a shepherd. However, I think you can relate the parable of the lost sheep to something in your life. Maybe you have several children or teach a classroom full of them. Perhaps you own a successful company with prosperous clients. Or perhaps you are a pastor with a congregation that looks to you for guidance. In any case, we can imagine ourselves in the place of the shepherd counting the sheep in his flock only to find one missing.
Sheep are the livelihood of the shepherd. Sheep are his passion, his charges, and his profession. The good shepherd feels a duty to the care and feeding of the sheep. If even one goes missing, it is not like a lost hairpin or stale leftovers. The shepherd’s sheep must be found and recovered.
Jesus says that He came to earth to find the lost sheep of the house of Israel. He came. Think about that for a minute… Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the manifest Word came down from heaven setting aside His glory to wonder the world looking for His lost sheep. Furthermore, He enlisted the help of some of those lost sheep to help find their brethren. He will find them all.
If you or someone your know feels lost or just abandoned, pray. Pray that the Lord would intervene in their life and find them in the shadow of the valley of death. Invite them to church. Offer to study the Bible with them. Share hymns and spiritual songs with them This valley we live in is deep and wide full of treacherous traps and obstacles. The shadows can seem impenetrable. Fear not. The LORD is yet with you. Turn to Him, and He will guide you out of the darkness and into His marvelous light.