John 1:35-37 "Again the next day after John stood, and two of his disciples; (36) And looking upon Jesus as he walked, he saith, Behold the Lamb of God! (37) And the two disciples heard him speak, and they followed Jesus."
John was using this time to be about the business for which he was sent.
This is the day after Jesus was baptized of John. He and two of his followers
are observing Jesus and no doubt listening to Him. He once again made the
declaration: "Behold the Lamb of God!" It seems there was much
more intended by these words than simply to watch and observe Jesus. John's
assignment was to turn the hearts of the people back to God. When John (the
Baptizer) was born, his father sang a song concerning the relationship that
would exist between John and the Messiah. A portion of the song reads with
these words: "To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow
of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace." (Luke 1:79) The
Lord had revealed to him that indeed this Jesus is the Messiah and in Him is
life and light. "Behold the Lamb of God."
Immediately the two disciples followed Jesus. We will see more of John's
reaction in a later chapter, but for now let us just realize the joy that John
must have experienced when these two began to walk with Jesus. As they were
following Jesus, He turned about and asked them, "What seek ye?" What
are you looking for? What do you hope to obtain by coming with me? You
and I are privy to the information concerning Jesus that though foxes have holes
and birds have nests, the Son of man did not even have a place to lay His head.
In other words, He had no permanent home where He could go at night to rest.
That's fitting, isn't it? He did not come to make this earth His permanent
dwelling place. He came "to save His people from their sins."
Behold the Lamb of God!
"What seek ye?" We want to know "where dwellest thou?" The
original meaning for dwell indicates they wanted to know all about Jesus? We
want to know where you "stay in a given place, state, relation or expectancy"
(Strong's Concordance). Yes, we want to know where you live, but we also
want to know all about you. We want to know your state of mind. We want to know
your relation with those you come in contact with. We want to know what you
expect to accomplish as you walk from place to place. In other words, WE WANT
This morning, I ask myself (you can ask yourself), "What am I seeking from
Jesus?" Do I want to know how He will affect me and my life? Do I
want to see what He is going to do for me? Do I want Him close enough that I
can call on His name, but not too close that He interferes with my personal
desires? Or, am I as these two disciples who wanted to know all about
Jesus? That is my desire as we continue with this study of John. I want to
know where He lives. I should not have to look any farther than my own heart,
right? I want to know what is His state of mind as I pour out my heart to Him.
I want to know His relation and relationship with me and with others. I want to
know His expectancy from me as I interact with Him. Let us all determine
to Behold the Lamb of God and observe Him in our everyday lives.