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Daily Devotion: John 7:7

John 7:7    "The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil."

"The world cannot hate you." These are words spoken by Jesus to "his brethren." This was still early in His ministry and the disciples had taken a quiet approach to their work. This was going to change when the time came for Jesus to be offered up. On the night of His betrayal, these words would change to something of this nature, 'Because the world hates me, they will hate you also."  

There was a popular song of the 70's that asked a question, "Why can't we be friends?"  After all, we all want to get along, right? We want everyone to like us and enjoy our company. The truth of the matter is that as long as we remain neutral in our thinking, the world will love us. Whether we agree with them or not, they will tolerate us as long as we remain silent. They will love us if we agree with them; but otherwise they tolerate the silence. To this point, the disciples have remained somewhat silent. "The world cannot hate you."

"But me it hateth." Yes, the world HATES Jesus. It isn't that they just dislike Him. They hate Him and everyone who is willing to make a stand for the cause of right that is found in Jesus Christ. Jesus said they hate Him because He testifies "of it, that the works thereof are evil."  Yes, the world wants us to say their works are okay. For a time, they were willing for Christians to say, "Do what you want to do, but don't try to force it on me." They were willing to be in agreement with that "for a time." But now, they hate the disciples of Jesus Christ who stand and say, "Sin is sin."

The world hates Jesus because He testifies "that the works thereof are evil." Why are the works of the world evil? It's a simple answer. Their works are choreographed by Satan, himself. The world was wanting to kill Jesus. They found a way, or so they thought. 'We will nail Him to a cross and make a public spectacle of Him.' yeah, do that.. see what happens.  I'm being sarcastic now; for we know that Jesus then turned their efforts to make him a spectacle into the glorious resurrection of the dead!  He laid down His life on the cross. They buried Him. They sealed the tomb. They set a guard. After three days and nights, Jesus WALKED out of that grave.. alive!  YES! HE'S ALIVE!!  

Now, I ask myself as I come to this point of the writing. The world wants to destroy the work of Jesus. They are willing to kill any attempt to exalt Him as Lord. They have already failed and don't even know it. So, who will I follow?  Will I try to please a failed world system? OR, will I seek to please the KING of all kings and LORD of all lords?  The world cannot hate you if you are walking with them; but, they will hate and persecute you if you follow the Victorious Lord. Which side will I be on? Losers or Winners?   I've read the back of the book. I already know who wins.

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