John 8:12 "Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life."
Here we see another of the "I am" statements of Jesus. We have seen
that He is the Living Water. He is the Living Bread. Now we see that Jesus is
the Light of the world. These three elements come to mind as you think of the
necessary elements for life. Jesus is those three elements to every child of
God. Life cannot exist without water, food, or light. Spiritual life
cannot exist without Jesus Christ.
While thinking on these three things that are providentially given to every
child of God, we also see Jesus speaking of action that we are to do. He spoke
of drinking the living water, eating the living bread, and walking in the light
of life. How can we do these things? They are all taken into our spiritual
being through faith in the Risen Lord.
We call upon the Lord for refreshing (reviving) when we feel spiritually dry.
We seek Him when we are hungering after righteousness. We look to Him for
enlightenment when we cannot make sense of this dark, dismal world. We are
revived by faith. Our spirits are fed by faith. We find understanding and
direction in our lives by faith. But be certain, Jesus is the source for all
Just in the past few days, I have been reminded by a sweet testimony how the
Lord is able to meet our needs. Even while praying for help, the answer came.
To hear this testimony caused my heart to soar and rejoice. Be certain, our
Saviour is alive and He is able to meet every need. He is the water, bread, and
light of our lives. Seek Him and He will be found.