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Daily Devotion: John 10:27

John 10:27     "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me"

Jesus has declared Himself to be the Good Shepherd and knows His sheep. Aren't you thankful the Lord of glory knows you? He knows you by name. He knows your thoughts, your words, your actions. He knows the deepest things concerning you and me, and still He loves me. What a glorious thought that is to me!

"My sheep hear my voice."  It brings sorrow to my heart to know there are those who confess a faith in the Lord Jesus; yet, they do not believe God has daily interactions with us. Apparently they believe Jesus saved us and then threw us into this cruel world to fend for ourselves.  Jesus said His sheep hear His voice. Does that not give us the understanding and assurance of interaction on a daily basis. "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me."

I once read of two shepherds who met each other along the road as they were moving their flocks of sheep from one pasture to another. They had not seen each other in a while, so they stood and had a fairly long conversation. As they were talking, their sheep began to mix together until it looked as if it was only one flock of sheep. After a while they ended their conversation and each continued along their individual ways. As they departed from one another, their voices called to their sheep. As the sheep heard the voices of their shepherds, they followed the familiar voice. The flocks separated as they each one followed the voice of their caregiver. They heard the voice of the shepherd and they followed.

Our Shepherd speaks to us on a daily basis. It is agreed there are many voices and many sounds that enter into our ears, minds, and hearts. We must practice the art of being still and listening for the voice of our Lord. Be certain, He does speak to us each day. How does He speak? The most evident manner is through His written Word. As we read the Bible, we should stir our hearts and minds to realize this is the very Word of God spoken to us. He sometimes sends His message to us through someone else, or He could speak to us through a sunrise, a flower, the birds singing. How does that occur? Have you ever sat and listened to the birds singing? Who do they sing to? In my opinion, they are singing unto the glory of the Lord. As I listen to their pure songs of joy, I hear my Saviour speaking words of comfort to me. I hear Him speaking the assurance of His love and grace into my life.  

Paul spoke of those things as he began his letter to the Romans.  "For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse." (Romans 1:20)  What is this verse saying? The eternal power and Godhead of our Lord are clearly seen by those things which are made.  The dogwood trees bloom at Easter time. As you look at the blossom of the dogwood, you can see the cross. You can see the crown of thorns. You can see the faithfulness of God in this Springtime. That is only one example, but yes, God speaks to me even through those things which He has made and placed upon this earth.

I want to practice the art of listening to my Lord, the Good Shepherd of my soul.

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