Song 2:10 – My beloved spake, and said unto me, Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away.
The Song of Solomon (or Song of Songs, if you please) is full of vivid images and declarations of love. This poem shows the sweetness and beauty of love between a man and a woman. As a biblical text, it is a great metaphor for the love of Christ and the Church, His fair one.
As we go through life, I hope we continue in the loving embrace of Christ. He is the church’s foundation and hope. His devotion sees past our faults and shortcomings. His care is undaunted and unlimited. Let us rise up and come away from the world with Christ. His delights surpass any the world may offer.
So when the temptations grow too great, remember the words of the Song, “Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away.” Follow Jesus to peace, joy, and righteousness.