Philippians 2:2 – Fulfil ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind.
No matter where we travel or how far we roam from home, Christ’s church is present. How so? God has a people in every nation and kindred and tongue. Borders do not limit the Holy Spirit.
We have differences of course. Aside from language and cultural heritage, different congregations vary in worship and even some beliefs. What all true Christians share is a love of Christ Jesus, the Son of God, born in Bethlehem who lived and died and rose again the third day.
This love we share is the source of our strength and unity. To fulfill his joyful desire, the Apostle Paul wanted the Philippians to excel in loving service to Christ as one. Those who love one another find common ground and common purpose. Marriages, families and churches and even nations benefit from this likeminded unity founded upon the love of Christ.
Find common ground today with those in your life. Share your love of the Savior. Join your hearts together.