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Daily Devotion: Hebrews 10:9-10

Hebrews 10:9-10    "Then said he, Lo, I come to do thy will, O God. He taketh away the first, that he may establish the second.  (10)  By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all."

We finished recently with a body that was prepared for the Son of God to occupy when He came to this earth two thousand years ago.  He came to fulfill the first covenant, which was the law. In fulfilling the first covenant, He has now established the second covenant which is grace. What were the promises (covenants) made by God?  The first covenant (promise) declared we could not save ourselves eternally. We could not do enough good works to redeem ourselves. That was a promise.  Please allow me to use my terminology. God said, "I promise you that you cannot do enough to save yourselves; therefore, you deserve eternal banishment from God and heaven's glory."  The second covenant (promise) was this, "I promise you that though you could not save yourselves eternally, I will provide myself the Lamb to take away your sins." That is established.

We have seen the covenant was established legally.  Back in Chapter 9, verses 14 and 15 show us the blood of Jesus purged us from our sins; which again, the law could never do that. Those verses also show us Jesus is our mediator (reconciler). He stands between us and the Father to ever show Himself to be that One perfect sacrificial offering of redemption.  Today's passages tell us, "We are sanctified." We are set apart by the will of God and unto the will of God for our lives. We have been made holy in the eyes and purpose of our Heavenly Father. 

 If you are like me, you probably do not always feel yourself to be holy.  In fact, we may at times feel ourselves to be that prodigal. May I remind each of us that the prodigal was a son before he left home. He was a son while he was in the far country. And he was a son when he returned. Seeking forgiveness and acceptance with God was evidence that the father's love was already in his heart. It is the same for all God's children. When we are brought to the place where we feel the need for the Saviour, we can be assured that we already have the Saviour, Jesus Christ. It is not by our actions, nor even by our choice, that we belong to God.  He chose to place us in Christ. Christ chose to die in our place. The Holy Spirit chose to come to us, giving us the life of Christ within us. We are sanctified!!

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