Hebrews 7:22 "By so much was Jesus made a surety of a better testament."
As I study through this book of Hebrews, I realize more and more just how much
Jesus meant to the writer. I have danced all around expressing my
thoughts as to who wrote the book of Hebrews. I have often thought that
Paul wrote the book based on the style of writing that was used throughout the
book. This morning, I am more convinced that Paul wrote the book, not because
of the style, but because of the subject content. But I will still refer to him
as "the writer". We are halfway through the book and the
subject of the book has been consistent from the very beginning. This writer
loves Jesus and is using all his energy, knowledge, and spiritual experience to
tell the Hebrews (and us) about Jesus. Just a thought from me - We need
to fall back in love with Jesus as the writer of Hebrews loves Him.
"Jesus was made a surety of a better testament." The writer
can speak of "a better testament" because he has experienced the
condemnation that came under the first testament, the law. The first
testament, which was the law, spoke on this manner: "You are guilty of
transgressing against God; therefore, you deserve to die." None of
the offerings under the law made the "offerer" perfect. None of the
offerings under the law could wash away the sin nature of those who offered.
Those offerings could not make perfect the person offering, nor could they make
perfect the high priest who offered. Therefore, the same offerings were made
year after year. The writer of Hebrews understood the condemnation that
was experienced once this truth was realized.
(Romans 7:13-15) "Was then that which is good made death unto
me? God forbid. But sin, that it might appear sin, working death in me by that
which is good; that sin by the commandment might become exceeding sinful.
(14) For we know that the law is spiritual: but I am carnal, sold
under sin. (15) For that which I do I allow not: for what I would,
that do I not; but what I hate, that do I." What was Paul saying in
these Roman passages? The law is holy and just, but I am not. The
law did not correct sin; rather, it identifies sin. Once sin is identified, he
realized how exceedingly sinful he was. Once he realized how exceedingly sinful
he was, the Holy Spirit revealed to Him how exceedingly righteous Jesus Christ
is; yet, He submitted Himself to the death of the cross to wash the sin away
which the law could not. He would end that chapter with a question and answer.
"O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of
this death? I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord."
(Romans 7:24-25)
As long as we feel we can make atonement for our own sin, we will not love
Jesus as the writer of Hebrews loved Him. As long as we make excuses for our
own sin, we will not love Jesus as the writer of Hebrews loved Him. As long as
we feel our sins are "not that bad", we will not love Jesus as the
writer of Hebrews loved Him. When we see that there is absolutely nothing
we can do to make ourselves righteous in the sight of God, we will see our need
for the Saviour. When we see our need for the Saviour, we can see the
importance of Jesus dying on the cross. As the Holy Spirit reveals to me that
He died on that old rugged cross for me, then there will be a love within my
heart that does not compare with anything else.
Then to top it off, we see Jesus was made a surety for us. The Lord willing, we
will look at the word, surety, in our next devotional.