Hebrews 7:24-25 "But this man, because
he continueth ever, hath an unchangeable priesthood. (25) Wherefore
he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing
he ever liveth to make intercession for them."
"But this man...." This verse starts with a conjunction of
contrast. The high priests under the law had to continually bring the offerings
before the Lord. Year after year, they offered the same offerings which could
never take away the sins of the people. We will see more about that in chapter
10. The high priests under the law was continuously changing because of death,
"But this man ... hath an unchangeable priesthood." The office
of Great High Priest will never be given to another. There will never be
another person through whom we will need to go in order to access the throne of
grace. Jesus Christ is the only way whereby we can gain access to the peace,
grace, and mercy of God.
We will never have to worry about the person we will find when we approach the
throne of grace. We will see later in the book that Jesus Christ is the same
day in and day out. The high priests under the law had to deal with their own
personalities and the people who came to them also had to learn how to deal
with the differing personalities. But this man has an unchangeable priesthood
and an unchangeable personality. Because He changes not, we can have the
assurance that the offering He made on our behalf (which was His own precious
blood) is the offering that ends all offerings. There are no more offerings to
be made unto the Lord in order to obtain eternal salvation and for it to be
secured. Jesus paid it ALL. He has eternally saved us to the uttermost.
Because He changes not, we can have the blessed assurance that when we go to Him in prayer, when we pour out our hearts to Him, when we confess our faults and failures to Him, He is able to save us (deliver us) to the uttermost. We can approach Him with the boldness of understanding His love is eternal and unconditional. Praise God from Whom all blessings flow! Jesus Christ lives forevermore to intercede on our behalf. He is seated at the right hand of the Father, not to make any more offerings, but as that perfect offering that was made once for all His people. We can be assured because He is our surety, we have the assurance of eternal life through Jesus Christ.