2 Chronicles 19:3 – Nevertheless there are good things found in thee, in that thou hast taken away the groves out of the land, and hast prepared thine heart to seek God.
One of the better kings in the Old Testament was Jehoshaphat. A descendant of David, this king of Judah was an inspiration to many during his lifetime, but he was not without faults. He did not always do what best pleased God, but neither do we. We should be encouraged that God used such a man as Jehoshaphat.
The word nevertheless can be powerful. Here we see it used to tell the king that despite how he had failed in certain things, God was pleased that he had done away with the idolatry in the nation, and moreover he had prepared his heart to seek God.
Through prayer, study, and worship, we can also prepare our hearts to seek God. I know we have failed Him time and time again. Nevertheless, I pray the Lord will be pleased with us as well as we put away anything that distracts us from following our Savior as we seek after Him with our whole heart.