Hebrews 13:7-8 "Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation. (8) Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever."
Sometimes, we look at something and think it almost seems out of place, or we
wonder why it is placed at that point in the Scripture. We might even be
tempted to think the writer had suddenly had a thought and simply decided to
insert it into whatever he was writing at the moment. We can be assured
since God is indeed the God of order, there is nothing that is placed in His
Word haphazardly or on impulse.
He had just finished the thought of the Lord Jesus being with us constantly and
having faith over fear in our daily walk. The verses that follow today's text
speak of being careful that we are never carried away with "strange
doctrines, for it is a good thing that the heart be established with
grace." So we think about these two thoughts: one being an exhortation to
walk in the strength of the Lord and the other being a warning not to allow
ourselves to be influenced by those things that are contrary to God's Word.
Now we see today's verses and we can have a better understanding as to why the
writer had these words "breathed into him" at this point. I use
the words, "breathed into him" for that is the very meaning of God's
Word being INSPIRED. God literally breathed into the writers those things they
should include as they penned these words. "Remember them which have the
rule over you." This is speaking of pastors and teachers who share
the Word of God. It does not mean that a pastor can ever be a dictator to the
congregation. In fact, the original meaning for the words used for pastors
carries the thought of being a servant. But as long as the pastor is sharing
the Word of God, He is using that which is to be our rule of order, our rule of
living, our guidance for our demeanor, and the very last word of instruction
showing us how to live our daily lives.
The writer is encouraging each of us to pray for those who handle the Word of
God. Their faith is to follow the things they say. It is never for a pastor to
say, or even give the idea, of "Do as I say and not as I do."
The "faith" of the pastor is to follow the things he speaks,
understanding pastors are human also. But he is talking about the behaviour of
the man of God when he speaks of the "end of their conversation."
I close with this thought. What should be the "end of their (and our)
conversation"? Should it not be the very straightforward answer
given in today's passage? "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to
day, and for ever." May Christ be the goal of all that is seen in