1 Thessalonians 1:2-4 "We give thanks to God always for you all, making mention of you in our prayers; (3) Remembering without ceasing your work of faith, and labour of love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of God and our Father; (4) Knowing, brethren beloved, your election of God."
I will begin with verse four in making my way back to the thought that is
contained in these three verses of Scripture. Paul speaks to the
Thessalonians concerning knowing that they are the objects of God's electing
love. Scripture teaches us that God chose a people in love before the
foundation of the world. We might find it difficult to wrap our minds
around that wonderful truth because of the limitations of our knowledge.
Romans chapter 8 tells us that God foreknew us in divine love. Ephesians
chapter 1 tells us that God chose us in Christ even before the foundation of
the world that we would be holy and without blame before Him in love.
Revelation chapter 13 speaks of the "Lamb of God slain from the foundation
of the world." We saw in Deuteronomy chapter 7 that God chose us to
be a special people unto Himself. I bring this to our remembrance this
morning because it is so very important to know that our salvation in Jesus
Christ was no accident nor was it a chance happening. God chose to love
us, redeem us, and adopt us into His family by His own divine sovereign
choice. You are God's child by His divine plan and nothing can separate
you from His love.
Paul stated this blessed truth to affirm their actions to be established in the
Lord and not in themselves. The people of Thessalonica were diligent in
their love for the Lord because they understood the security of God's redeeming
love for them. He said, "I remember your work of faith, labour of
love, and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ." They had
exhibited the evidence in their lives of God's love for them. They were
persistent and consistent in showing their love for the Lord by showing their
love for others. They were consistent in giving the praise and honour unto the
Lord Jesus for this diligence in service. They were patient in watching for the
effect of their work being manifested in others. They did not let life's
struggles and defeats discourage them in their service unto the Lord. As
I read these verses this morning, I look at myself and think how the past couple
years have affected my service unto the Lord. Have I allowed it to discourage
me? Have I allowed it to be a stumbling block? I want to be more
like these saints of God.
Paul began this passage by saying, "I am thankful for you and I make
mention of you in my prayers." Why would Paul make mention of these
folks when it seems they are prospering? Have you found that it is during
those times you are most trying to serve the Lord that Satan gets in our faces
and attempts to stop our progress in service? Paul makes mention of both
gratitude and prayer concerning these saints. I am thankful and I pray
you do not become discouraged. Would that not be the reason for "patience
of hope in Christ Jesus"? Lord, may we, thy people, not become discouraged
in our service unto you; rather, may we be diligent and stable in our labours
of love for you and others.