Deuteronomy 32:3-4 "Because I will publish the name of the LORD: ascribe ye greatness unto our God. (4) He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment: a God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he."
"Ascribe ye greatness unto our God, (for) He is the Rock."
There can be no doubt that we live in unstable times just now.
Solomon had much to say about troublesome times. Quite honestly, he laid the
credit or the blame upon the leadership of the nation. "... when the
wicked beareth rule, the people mourn." (Proverbs 29:2) He said in
another place, "As a roaring lion, and a ranging bear; so is a wicked
ruler over the poor people." (Proverbs 28:15) Both the roaring lion
and the ranging bear are searching for food and are not satisfied with what
they have. Again, I say all we have to do is listen to the news for five
minutes and we see that occurring right now with Russia in the Ukraine.
So where are you and I to go in order to find peace? The first part of
Proverbs 29:2 gives the answer: "When the righteous are in
authority, the people rejoice." Who is the righteous that is to have
absolute authority over us? "The Lord... is the Rock."
Only the Lord can give stability as we look to Him. Would not right
now be the perfect time for each of us, as God's children, to pour out our
hearts in humble submission to the Lord our God?
"Ascribe ye greatness unto our God (for) His work is perfect."
Proclaim the greatness of our God because of His perfect work. His
work was perfect in sending the 10 plagues upon Egypt. His work was perfect in
parting the Red Sea for the people of Israel to cross on dry land. His work was
perfect when He provided the palm trees and wells of water for them to rest and
be refreshed. His work was perfect in giving water out of the Rock for the
people to have their thirsts quenched. His work was perfect in providing
"daily bread' for the people by giving them manna to eat. Those are
wonderful miracles of perfection that the Lord provided in a natural sense, but
the greatest work of perfection is found in the finished work of our Lord and
Saviour, Jesus Christ. The Lord's work is perfect in sending His Son into
this world to be made like unto his brethren. His work is perfect in the manner
Jesus lived His life without sin. His work is perfect in the fulfillment of
prophecy concerning the trial and crucifixion of Jesus on the Roman cross of
Calvary. His work is perfect in that after three days and nights, Jesus was
raised from the dead. His work is perfect in that Jesus ascended back into
heaven to sit on the right hand of the Father to make intercession for you and
me. His work is perfect in that when Jesus said "It is
finished," He meant exactly that. It. is. finished. The work of
redemption is perfect and nothing needs to be added in order for it to have its
perfect work in our hearts.
"Ascribe ye greatness unto our God (for) His judgment (is) truth and
without iniquity." Proclaim the greatness of our God because of his
judgment and justice. He declared the result of sin to be death.
"The day you eat thereof, you will surely die." Sin entered the
world and death by sin. Death passed upon all men for all men have
sinned. See Romans 5:12. God is both Just and Justifier. God
is just and He would not merely excuse sin. The sentence of death had to be
paid. But praise His Holy Name, He is also the Justifier in that He sent
His Son, Jesus to pay the debt against you and me. Jesus satisfied the
judgment of God through His atoning death. He was raised from the dead
and eternal life was given to all His elect children as perfect
justification. We have been set free by the Lord Jesus Christ. "If
the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed." (John
Ascribe ye greatness unto our God (for) He is Perfect!