1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 "Rejoice evermore. (17) Pray without ceasing. (18) In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."
Although they could be taken individually, I am combining these three verses. I
believe there is a direct connection between rejoicing, praying, and giving
thanks. All these come from a heart that is filled with the understanding
of God's grace and mercy upon our lives. The world can give things that
make us happy - for a while. Think back on Christmas wish lists from our
childhood. I can remember things that I received as a boy that, for the
moment, made my life complete. Or so I thought. I can remember the thrill of
opening packages, the excitement and laughter of that moment. And in a sense, I
can still find joy in those memories. It makes me smile as I think back on
family times. Then as parents, we can think back on those same type situations
and remember the happiness that was on the faces of our children.
In a sense, we relive those moments through our children.
But those "things" all came to an end. As a boy, the six-shooter
wouldn't shoot anymore. As our children were made happy by the Nintendo games,
the world said, "If Nintendo makes you happy, just watch what Super
Nintendo will do." And now there is XBox and Playstation that almost
make it look lifelike. I am coming to a point with my thoughts and that
is this: As I look back on those times, I now realize things can make us happy
for the moment, but relationships are the true source of joy. I can't remember
everything that I ever received for Christmas, but I remember the love that
went into those things being under the tree. Looking back, I now know
that there were late nights on Christmas Eve spent wrapping presents. So as I
look back. I have joy in my heart because of the love of parents who wanted to
give us happiness.
What does that have to do with our Scripture for today? God is so good. Isn't
He? He is so gracious and loving and kind. He bestows upon us blessing
upon blessing every single day. It is too easy to become focused on the
blessing instead of the Blessor. When we can look beyond the blessing to
see the hand of God that lovingly gives us those things, we become grateful. We
become grateful, not because we received what we wanted; rather, we become
grateful because our Heavenly Father loves us enough to provide those things.
We become grateful because of the relationship and knowing that relationship is
true, we can increase our time of communicating (prayer) with our Heavenly
Father. Increasing that communication with Him brings joy to our hearts
and our minds because the grace of God is abundant above and beyond our every
need. Rejoice. Pray. Be grateful.