Psalm 25:9-10 "The meek will he guide in judgment: and the meek will he teach his way. (10) All the paths of the LORD are mercy and truth unto such as keep his covenant and his testimonies."
In more than one verse of this 25th Psalm, David asks God to forgive his sins
and iniquities. In verse 11, he speaks of an iniquity being pardoned, "for
it is great." Nestled into those verses, we find these two verses
concerning the Lord's guidance for "the meek". The world's
definition of meekness would include the thoughts of someone who is weak.
Actually, the Biblical definition is quite the opposite. You see, someone who
we might consider to be "strong willed" and able to get themselves
through any and every situation just might be a sign of weakness. We
might even think of that person as being bull-headed enough to just plow his
way through every circumstance. It just might be there is "a
weakness" to bring the carnal mind into submission to the Lord's will.
Now, what does that have to do with someone being meek? Meekness is a
sign of denying our own way of doing things and submitting to the direction of
our Lord. Meekness is acting upon the instruction of our Lord when He said,
"If any man will come after me, let him first deny himself, take up his
cross, and follow me". It takes great strength to deny our own desires and
submit to the will of God. But in doing so, the Word of God tells us that the
Lord will guide us in those "right paths" that David wrote about in
the 23rd Psalm. When we can come before the Lord without any preconceived
notion of how we are going to live our lives, then the Lord will "teach
his way". I submit to you that takes great strength.
Why should we want to walk in the ways of the Lord? The obvious answer is
because He is LORD. That should be reason enough, but our God is so kind and
merciful that His design for our lives is for us to walk in His mercy and walk
in His truth. It seems David is saying it is better to walk in God's
mercy and truth from the beginning than to have to later ask for His mercy to
be applied after we have gone the wrong way. At least that is the message I am
receiving this morning. It would be much better AND much easier on my life to
walk in His path rather than to make a mess of my life by going my own
way. Only "the meek" can understand this great truth. The
"weak" will continue in his own ways. Lord, I want to be meek before