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Daily Devotion: Psalm 30:4-5

Psalm 30:4-5    "Sing unto the LORD, O ye saints of his, and give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness.  (5)  For his anger endureth but a moment; in his favour is life: weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning."

Remember the holiness of the Lord.  Those are wonderful words of instruction for us today.  We live in such a time that with all the wonderful "gadgets", we tend to place our dependence upon things rather than the Almighty God.  The cell phones we hold in our hands have more operating capacity than the first computers that sent men into space. We have knowledge at our fingertips that we cannot begin to fathom.  We use GPS to give us directions from one place to another.  We live in the world of instantaneous results. And as a result of all that, we may have lost some of our dependence upon God.

We must bring ourselves to the place of trying to honor Him in our lives and through our actions.  "Sing unto the Lord, O ye saints of His."  May I ask a very personal question?  When was the last time you worshipped the Lord simply because He is God?  Remember His holiness.  He truly gave His only Son to die for my sins when I deserved God's wrath and punishment. His Son received that for me. I deserved banishment from God; yet, His Son was the One Who was forsaken even as He hung on that cruel cross.  All of the "things" that we depend upon in our everyday life can never save us from an eternity separated from God.  In the end, it will not be cell phones, GPS, nor the governing officials that take us to eternal glory with our Heavenly Father.
It. Will. Be. Jesus.

We do not receive God's wrath, but He does correct us when we need it. We may think it is the wrath of God being poured out upon us, but it isn't.  He uses whatever means is necessary to bring us back into fellowship with Him.  During that time of correction, we may feel God to be angry with us, but remember His holiness. "In His favour is life."  His love for us is an everlasting love. We are His through the shed blood of Jesus Christ.  We may weep during the time of correction because quite honestly it hurts to be corrected by our Heavenly Father.  "But joy cometh in the morning."  After the Lord brings us back into His loving arms, He consoles us and replaces weeping with joy.  Life may seem dark and dreary during correction, but the light of His life and love come to us in the morning.  There is no greater relief than to see the light of dawn after a rough sleepless night.  "Remember the Lord's holiness. Sing to Him in love and gratitude. He is our Heavenly Father forever."

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