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Daily Devotion: Psalm 44:4-8

Psalm 44:4-8    "Thou art my King, O God: command deliverances for Jacob.  (5)  Through thee will we push down our enemies: through thy name will we tread them under that rise up against us.  (6)  For I will not trust in my bow, neither shall my sword save me.  (7)  But thou hast saved us from our enemies, and hast put them to shame that hated us.  (8)  In God we boast all the day long, and praise thy name for ever. Selah."

David concludes these thoughts with the word, "Selah". Think about what was just said. When he placed that word, I'm not sure if he was telling us to think about these things or if he was reminding himself to consider what he had just said.  In either case, it behoves us to stop and think about this subject of victorious living.

"Thou art my King, O God." David made this statement and openly declared his allegiance to the Lord God Almighty. You are my King, O God. Can you and I make that statement this morning and truly mean it?  You are my king and I submit to your Lordship in my life. In the days of David, the kings led their armies onto the battlefield. If you remember, it was because David stayed behind that caused him to get into trouble. But the norm for the day was to have the king lead. The army would follow in complete submission to the commands of the king.  You are my King, O God. I submit to you, O Lord. Take my life and show me what you want me to do with my life.

We have our eternal home in heaven that is secured purely simply and eternally through the shed blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. We will enjoy the blessings of the eternal heaven because of Christ's submission to the Father. Today, you and I live in the Gospel Kingdom age that is ruled by the KING of kings and LORD of lords. His name is Jesus. We are subjects of the kingdom and in order to enjoy the blessings of this glorious kingdom, we are to be submissive to His rule and reign in our lives. It is when we try to take matters into our own hands and rule our own lives that we get into deeper struggles.

David said, "I will not trust my own weaponry. I will not trust my own ability. I will trust in you, my KING."  Can we say that this morning? Are we willing to stop trying to fix everything and adjust everything and change everything? Are we willing to say, "Jesus, you are my KING and I will follow you. Through your name, our enemies will fail. Through your name, we will come out of this situation as victorious conquerors. You have and will save us from our enemies. You have and will put them to shame that try to tread over us. We make our boast, not in our works, but in your Holy Name FOR EVER!"   Selah... think on these things. Submit to the Lord Jesus Christ.  

Take My Life, and Let It Bt
by Frances R. Havergal

Take my life and let it be
consecrated, Lord, to thee.
Take my moments and my days;
let them flow in endless praise,
let them flow in endless praise.

Take my hands and let them move
at the impulse of thy love.
Take my feet and let them be
swift and beautiful for thee,

swift and beautiful for thee. 

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