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Daily Devotion: Psalm 50:1-2

Psalm 50:1-2   "The mighty God, even the LORD, hath spoken, and called the earth from the rising of the sun unto the going down thereof.  (2)  Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God hath shined."

"The mighty God, even the LORD, hath spoken, and called the earth."  How did this universe, and pertaining to this verse, - How did the earth come into existence? Contrary to what is being commonly taught, the LORD spoke and it happened. The Lord spoke, "Let there be light." And - "There was light." Each aspect of this earth was spoken into existence by the Lord God Almighty.  We saw back in Psalm 29, "The voice of the Lord is powerful and full of majesty." We must never discount this grand truth.  The Lord spoke and called the earth into existence.

"The mighty God, even the LORD, hath spoken, and called the earth from the rising of the sun unto the going down thereof."  What keeps the earth and the entire universe in constant perfection? Yes, that's right - "The LORD hath spoken."  How great is our God?  We sing that song sometimes and it is spoken as a declaration of His greatness. But do we truly know just how great our Lord truly is?  He has spoken and the atmosphere is perfect in the combination of gases so we can breathe and do our daily activities. I'm sure you have thought about this, but how is it that the earth is just the perfect distance from the sun? If it was closer, we could not survive the heat. If it was farther away, we could not survive the cold. "The Lord hath spoken and called the earth..." to be in this perfect position in the universe.  How long will this remain to be so?  "... from the rising of the sun unto the going down thereof."  In other words, as long as the Lord allows the sun to remain in position, He will maintain and sustain this universe to be proper in its natural support of our lives.

There is something very special that the Lord has spoken and called into existence on this earth. That very special place is called the Lord's Church. There are many good organizations in existence and they do a lot of good things to help those in need. But there is only one place where true love, mercy, and grace is seen. That is found only in the Lord's Church.  Let me quickly say the church is not the building, windows, pews, or carpet. The true church is found in the hearts of the redeemed of God. Out of that place where the Lord abides within us comes the blessing of being able to know and understand to some degree just how truly great is our God.

May Christ shine in and through us for others to see the effect of our great God upon our lives.

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