Psalm 57:1 "Be merciful unto me, O God, be merciful unto me: for my soul trusteth in thee: yea, in the shadow of thy wings will I make my refuge, until these calamities be overpast."
This morning, I am letting my mind go back to the first Thanksgiving. I cannot
begin to imagine how it was for those brave men and women in that first year in
the new land. I have to admit that I take for granted the tremendous blessings
we enjoy in this great land where we live. Those men and women were subjected
to hunger and cold and danger each day. I sit in a comfortable home that
has all the comforts of the day. Truly the Lord is so merciful to me and to my
I look at today's verse and think about David fleeing for his life. He faced
the dangers of the land and also was being chased by a mad king who was jealous
of David for no reason whatsoever. He knew there was One Who He could lean upon
and find sweet comfort and refuge. He likened that place of comfort as a hen
who spreads her wings in order for the little chicks to run to her for safety
and comfort.
David, the Pilgrims, you and I have this thing in common: We serve the same
Lord who is merciful and gracious unto us. We can go to that same place of
comfort and find rest for our souls (our minds and our spirits).
What am I thankful for on this beautiful Thanksgiving morning? I am
thankful for my God Who loves me unconditionally and has blessed me with a
wonderful family, a wonderful church family, a wonderlul Facebook family, and
wonderful friends across this land.
Yes, God is so good, He's so good to me!