Psalm 57:7 "My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed: I will sing and give praise."
In the first six verses, David speaks of his being placed among those who seek
to destroy him. But the overall theme of those verses is concerning the
greatness of our God. He is determined that even among such distorted and
perverted individuals, his goal was to exalt the name of the Lord.
"Be thou exalted, O God, above the heavens; let thy glory be above
all the earth." (Psalm 57:5)
Wouldn't it be wonderful and a "world changing" position if all of
God's people spent as much time worshiping and honoring God as they ( we - I )
spend doing the things of the world? As I watched one of the football
games recently, I couldn't help thinking about the level of intensity that was
placed into that game - by the fans. What would happen if even half that
intensity was placed into worshiping our God?
David said, "My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed: I will sing and
give praise." I think of three different applications when I see
the word, "fixed". First of all, my heart is "fixed",
that is, it has been repaired. Actually it went more than being repaired. My
Lord gave me a new heart when He came into my life and gave me the new
birth. I will sing and praise Him because of my new heart. Second, I will
use the southern application. I am "fix'n" to sing and give
praise unto the Lord. That means, I am about to start and nothing is going to
stop me from praising my Lord for all He has done, is doing, and is going to do
for me. And then the third application is what I believe David was meaning in
this verse. In that application, David was saying, "My heart is in a fixed
position, or set, to worship through song and praise." That
application is like that song, "I shall not be, I shall not be
This morning, how is it with my heart? Is my heart fixed (repaired) and ready
to worship? Am I "fix'n" or getting prepared to worship my Lord
through song and praise? Am I set in that nothing will prevent me from offering
my sacrifices of praise unto my Lord?