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Daily Devotion: Psalm 85:7-10

Psalm 85:7-10    "Shew us thy mercy, O LORD, and grant us thy salvation.  (8 )  I will hear what God the LORD will speak: for he will speak peace unto his people, and to his saints: but let them not turn again to folly.  (9)  Surely his salvation is nigh them that fear him; that glory may dwell in our land.  (10)  Mercy and truth are met together; righteousness and peace have kissed each other."

The question had just been asked, "Wilt thou not revive us again, O Lord?" And now the mercy of the Lord must be seen and experienced as they contemplate the meaning of revival. I admit to you that it is difficult to see things from their perspective in that the Messiah had not come at that time. They were solely depending upon their obedience to the law in order to know the mercy of God.  "Show us mercy. Grant us salvation. I will hear what God says, for He will speak peace unto His people."

Have you ever been at the place in life where you sought peace more than anything else in the world? Have you ever come to the point where you said, or thought, "Lord, I can't continue on like this if I cannot have your peace." Then you begin to search your heart, your mind, your life to see what is wrong. What have I done that has brought this unrest upon me?  Sometimes, there is an actual reason for this and the Lord speaks to our hearts that we are to turn back to Him. "I will hear what God the LORD will speak."  Lord, whatever it takes, I need peace of heart and mind. Show me the way.

I say it is difficult to see from the perspective of the people in the Old Testament because you and I have been blessed beyond compare. We have a completely different viewpoint as we look back and see the things written and as we experience times in our lives when we seek that reviving, that deliverance, that experience of mercy and grace in our lives. For you see, His salvation has come in a manifest (openly shown) manner. By faith, we have seen the glory of the Lord. By faith, we have seen our Saviour born into this world. We have seen His perfect life and complete obedience unto the Father. We have seen His hands and feet nailed to the cross that was meant for us. We have seen Him commending His spirit into the hands of the Father. We have seen His lifeless body taken from the cross and laid in the stone cold tomb. And Praise God, we have seen that stone rolled away and our Living Risen Lord standing triumphant over death, grave, and hell. We have heard what the Lord has spoken in that He has told us that Jesus did all that for us!

We have been made to know Jesus Christ is our peace. His righteousness has been imputed, accounted to us, by the sovereign grace of God. "Righteousness and peace have kissed each other."  A kiss is a sign of a close relationship one to another. Kisses that have meaning are not just randomly thrown around to just anyone. The relationship that you and I have that is so very close and personal is with our Heavenly Father through the righteousness of Jesus Christ. He is our righteousness. He is our peace. He is our life. True revival comes as we are reminded in our hearts and minds of that beautiful love relationship that we have with the Almighty Loving Heavenly Father.  He greets us each day with a Holy Kiss. May we stop to hear what He says to us through His Holy Spirit.

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