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Daily Devotion: Psalm 92:4-5

Psalm 92:4-5    "For thou, LORD, hast made me glad through thy work: I will triumph in the works of thy hands.  (5)  O LORD, how great are thy works! and thy thoughts are very deep."

There are circumstances in life that do not make us glad. Be certain of that. There are things that happen which weigh us down and take our breath away.  There are times when our hearts are completely broken and we do not know which way to turn. Yet, in those times, the Word of God teaches us to "Rejoice evermore" and "In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."  (2 Thessalonians 5:16, 18 ) In those troubling times, how could God expect us to rejoice and give thanks?

First, notice God does not tell us to be thankful FOR those things; rather, IN those things give thanks and rejoice.  For me, that is possible because I didn't have to take those steps and continue in those times by myself.  There have been so many times that the Lord showed Himself strong on our behalf.  When despair seemed to be setting in, Jesus would show Himself in little things for which we were praying, "Lord, please help."  He would!  We were glad and thankful for HIS WORKING at that moment. There were victories each day that some might think to be small, but when you're in the middle of that particular battle, it is a great work and triumph given by the Lord.

O LORD, how great are thy works!  And Lord, thank you that your thoughts and care are toward us in such a manner that your mercy is shown every day. And Lord, please forgive us that we take most of them for granted and do not stop to realize your great work continues on. Please know that so far in today's writing, I haven't even gotten to the greatest work that our Lord has done for us. That will be the next paragraph. I'm talking about not struggling for breath. I'm talking about functions the body is made to perform without us even thinking about it. I'm talking about each moment of time that we are given in this wonderful life.

But then, the greatest work in which we rejoice and give thanks is that our Lord and Savioiur, Jesus Christ loves us so much that He endured the suffering and pain of the cross. He shed His righteous and Holy Blood to pay our debt of sin that we could not pay. I'm talking about the work of the eternal promise that He will come to receive us unto Himself and deliver us into that glorious place called Heaven. Yes, I rejoice in that knowledge and I'm so very thankful. "O LORD, how great are thy works! and thy thoughts are very deep."  They are much deeper than we could ever begin to imagine. I'm so glad and I thank you Lord!

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