Psalm 93:2 "Thy throne is established of old: thou art from everlasting."
It seems one of the greatest mistakes anyone can make is to question the
authority of God. At an early age, it was taught that you should never ask God,
"Why". I think there might be different levels of thought
concerning that word. If I am confessing to God that I do not understand
a situation and at the same time I am professing He is the source of all
understanding, then it seems the question might be a viable one. If I am
questioning His authority in bringing something about in my life, then I am on
a very dangerous edge.
"Thy throne is established of old." The very seat of God's authority
has always been. There has never been a time when God "was not," nor
a time when His authority was overruled. We read back in Psalm
29:4, "The voice of the LORD is powerful; the voice of the LORD is
full of majesty." We read in Psalm 33:9, "For he spake, and it
was done; he commanded, and it stood fast." When God said, "Let there
be light", (be assured) there was light. In every aspect of creation, God
spoke and it happened. Throughout the Bible, we read of God's authoritative
voice commanding and bringing about His results. Noah built the ark and his
family was delivered by God's voice. Pharaoh's heart was hardened by God's
voice. The walls of that great city, Jericho, fell at the command of God.
Lazarus was raised from the dead by the sound of the voice of the Son of
God. All of these things, and countless others, were done because the
throne of God is established of old.
Just a few Psalms ago in the 90th Psalm, we read these words, "...
from everlasting to everlasting, thou art God." God's Word teaches
us that He never changes. Saul's heart was changed by the voice of the Son of
God. Your life and mine was changed at the very sound of the voice of God
speaking to our cold hardened hearts, changing them to hearts filled with His
love. The very same voice that brought light, that changed Saul's heart, and
your heart still guides us today. "Thou art from everlasting."
Be assured, God's wisdom and understanding, His power and glory, His
authority has not diminished in any way. His voice is still powerful and full
of majesty.
So what has changed? Could it be that in many cases, our estimation of God has
diminished? Could it be that we seek a "watered-down" God who can
give us good advice, but we can take it or leave it? Could it be that we have
established an image of God that is quite different from the God that is taught
in His Word? How is our worship affected by our image of God? I say
again, Be assured, God's wisdom and understanding, His power and glory, His authority
has not diminished in any way. His voice is still powerful and full of majesty.
Revival comes as a result of our turning from our own ways to seek the way of
God and His authority. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life.
No man cometh unto the Father but by me." Let us turn to the truth
of God, not man. Let us walk in His way, in His path, and let us enjoy the
fullness of life that is promised through Jesus Christ.