Psalm 104:33-34 "I will sing unto the LORD as long as I live: I will sing praise to my God while I have my being. (34) My meditation of him shall be sweet: I will be glad in the LORD."
Do you remember the feeling when you first fell in love? How often did you
think of that person? What was the effect of those thoughts as far as the
countenance of your face? How did it make your heart feel? Was there a gladness
that overwhelmed you? Did you find yourself singing, whistling, or at the very
least humming to yourself?
The writer of this Psalm was in love with the Lord. There is no doubt in my
mind that he went around with a song on his lips? In fact, we know it's
true because David wrote most of the Psalms. David was not a perfect man by any
stretch of the imagination, but he loved the Lord. You can read any of his
writings and see immediately that he loved God. He trusted God. He depended
upon God. He relied upon God for his daily activities whether it be shepherd,
warrior, or king. David loved the Lord and it made him glad of heart. He
thought about the Lord every single day.
I read these verses and have to look inside myself. How much do I love the
Lord? I honestly cannot remember a time when I did not love Him, but I am
afraid there are too many times in my life when I did not show that love as I
should have. My meditation of him is truly sweet when I stop to think about all
that my Lord does for me every single day. If my meditation takes me back 2000
years to a hill called Calvary, I could never thank God enough and my heart
would be swelled with His love for me. If my meditation takes me to all the
times God has recovered me from my own messes of life, I could never express
the gladness that is in my heart because of Him. If my meditation takes me to
that place where I don't feel myself to be in need or any particular thing;
yet, I am so glad when the Lord comes to me in my thoughts.
I could go on and on this morning, but I hope each of us can just spend some
time today (and everyday) just thinking about the goodness of our Lord. And it
will be fine if you find yourself humming, whistling, or singing "Oh! How
I love Jesus".