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Daily Devotion: Psalm 118:14

Psalm 118:14   "The LORD is my strength and song, and is become my salvation."

"The LORD is."  Those three words stand alone with their own strength and joy. He has no beginning and He has no end. No matter what is going on in my life, "The LORD is."   When I need help in my life, "The LORD is."  When I feel alone and need companionship, "The LORD is."  When I need encouragement in my life, "The LORD is."  When I need help and direction for my life, "The LORD is."  When I think I am the source of my own strength and understanding and have all the answers, in reality "The LORD is."

When I can come to the understanding of those three words, and my need for Him in everything, then I can go on to the next three things that are in this verse.  Years ago, I served a church in which a very sweet lady was in her 90s when I was there. She still worked in her flower garden until the last few years of her life. She was asked what gave her all her energy to be so active. She said that she took a tablespoon of 3-S tonic every day.  I know many who are reading this have never heard of 3-S tonic, but there are days when I feel like I need to buy some of it and start taking it myself.

I bring in that story to say that for me, today's verse lists my spiritual 3-S tonic. The Lord is my Strength, Song, and Salvation. When I can come to the understanding of the One Who is, is the One Who puts the strength in my very being. He is the One who enables me to strive to serve Him each day and to have the strength of boldness to stand firm for Him. He is the One Who puts the  music in my heart and how sweet it is when that music is loud and clear. There is great joy when I can understand that He is my Deliverer, my salvation.  

I can boldly say this morning that if there is anything good about me, it is the direct result of the first three words of today's verse: "The LORD is."
How is it with you this morning? Have you stopped to thank Him for being your 3-S tonic this morning?

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