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Daily Devotion: Psalm 119:2

Psalm 119:2    "Blessed are they that keep his testimonies, and that seek him with the whole heart."

As we begin our study of the 119th Psalm, I do not believe it to be coincidental that the longest Psalm, the longest chapter in the Bible, has the written Word of God as its central theme.  This Psalm is divided into segments and titled by the Hebrew alphabet.  Each segment consists of about eight verses. We will not attempt to look at the Psalm verse by verse; rather, we will look at each segment and attempt to look at the thought contained in each one.

This first segment speaks of the blessedness that we can derive by reading the Word of God in our hearts. It makes for good discipline in our lives when we make a habit of reading from the Bible each day. It is amazing to see just how much the Lord speaks to our hearts and minds as we are reading. And may I say that there is no greater blessing than to know the Lord is speaking to you through His Word by His Holy Spirit.

There is a blessedness in keeping "his testimonies" (the written Word of God).  Notice, I keep specifying the written Word. As a side note, the written Word of God speaks to us of the Living Word of God, Jesus Christ. It is in Christ that the written Word empowers us to keep, or follow, the Word of God.  Looking back at Psalm 56 we read, "In God will I praise his word: in the LORD will I praise his word.  (11)  In God have I put my trust: I will not be afraid what man can do unto me." (Psalm 56:10-11)  We will be greatly disappointed if we attempt to keep the Word through our own power. We can only be successful in doing the work of His Word by depending upon the power of the Almighty to direct us and support us in our efforts to follow Him.

Which brings us to the third point of this first segment. We are to read the Word. We are to keep (obey) the Word. But in order to derive the full benefit, we are to "seek Him with the whole heart."  I mentioned previously that we must depend upon His power in order to fully be able to obey His Word.  How do we do that?  I don't want to oversimplify this process and yet it comes about simply by asking the Lord from our hearts to help us understand what we are reading and to help us apply the Word into our lives. "Lord, I want to understand what I am reading. I know you are speaking to me. Would you please break it down into pieces that I can spiritually digest and bring strength to my walk with you?"

When we do these things, the Lord has promised a blessedness to our lives that comes in no other way. I highly encourage each of us to spend time daily reading and meditating upon the Word of God.

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