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Daily Devotion: Psalm 119:41

Psalm 119:41     "Let thy mercies come also unto me, O LORD, even thy salvation, according to thy word."

Recently, I wrote of being taught the Word of God and receiving understanding concerning the Word.  Today's passage of Scripture speaks of the Word of God coming off the pages and being applied in our lives.  It is wonderful to be taught. It is even better when we can understand what we are being taught. And then it is even more better (Steveism) when we experience the Word of God as it is applied in our lives.  It is incredible when you can feel and know the Lord is taking His Word and showing you how it just worked in a situation or circumstance in which you found yourself.

Let us share a few instances where the Word of God can be seen at work.  You may have a big decision to make and cannot know which way you are to go. Suddenly the Lord reminds you of a time when millions of people seemingly  were stuck in a situation. They were ready to give up when the Lord showed His strength by opening a way that the people would never have thought about. It's called the Red Sea experience as in Exodus chapter 14. At that point, you know He will open the way for you also.  You might feel anxious about an upcoming exam (whether it's a test in school or a test in life), and the Lord tells you to give your worries and struggles to Him. When you can hear Him speak those words and you know they are true, He then will give you a peace that passes all understanding that will guard your heart and your mind. You can find that in Philippians chapter 4.  You may be in the middle of the largest crowd of people; yet, you feel alone. You begin to pray unto the Lord and then feel a presence that drives away that feeling of loneliness. He has just reminded you that His promise is to never leave you or forsake you. You can find that promise throughout the Word of God, but it is directly spoken in Hebrews chapter 13. One more instance, have you ever felt the weight of the world upon you? Or maybe you feel the weight of a particular sin in your life. You have nowhere to turn, but suddenly from deep inside you cry out, "Lord, save me from this heavy burden!"  If you are still enough, you can feel the hand of Jesus reaching out to lift you up and set you upon a solid foundation as He takes the weight from you. You can find this in Matthew chapter 14:30 when Peter cried out for deliverance.

These may seem simple illustrations; but, I assure you if you have ever experienced any of them you know that the "mercies of the Lord have come unto you." And if you have experienced anything similar to those illustrations, you know it is no small matter for the Lord to extend those mercies.  Today and every day I pray, "Let thy mercies come also unto me, O LORD, even thy salvation, according to thy word."

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