Psalm 132:13-14 "For the LORD hath chosen Zion; he hath desired it for his habitation. (14) This is my rest for ever: here will I dwell; for I have desired it."
Recently, we saw David saying he would not rest until he found "a place
for the LORD, an habitation for the mighty God of Jacob." (Psalm 132:5)
We compared that place of habitation as being in our hearts. We are the
temple of the Lord and are to live and worship in such a manner as to exalt His
place in our lives. In today's verse, we see God declaring where His
habitation, or place of living, will be. We often see Zion mentioned in
the Old Testament. Literally, Zion is a mountain around Jerusalem.
Figuratively, Zion is that place in our hearts where we lift up the precious
name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I have often referred to Zion as being the
Church; but, what or who is the Church? Is it not you and me and all the
blood bought, Spirit born children of God?
In today's verse, the Lord is confirming what we saw recently. I know I need
constant reminding of the fact that God lives within me. Think about that.
Let's look at the words of Solomon when he prayed the prayer of dedication for
the temple. "But will God in very deed dwell with men on the earth?
behold, heaven and the heaven of heavens cannot contain thee; how much less
this house which I have built!" (2 Chronicles 6:18) He was
acknowledging that we cannot place God in a box and contain or restrain
Him. He is higher than the heavens. The beautiful temple, which Solomon
oversaw the construction, could not contain God. He is everywhere at all times.
We serve such a mighty and wonderful God. Aren't you thankful?
And though He is greater than all this universe, He has chosen a specific place
in which to make His presence known. Listen to Isaiah writing concerning
our Lord. "For thus saith the high and lofty One that inhabiteth
eternity, whose name is Holy; I dwell in the high and holy place, with him also
that is of a contrite and humble spirit, to revive the spirit of the humble,
and to revive the heart of the contrite ones." (Isaiah 57:15)
Yes, our God inhabits all eternity; yet, He has chosen to make Himself
known to you and me. That should cause our hearts to rejoice to know that the
very One Who spoke this world into existence has knowledge of us and has chosen
to inhabit our hearts.
In closing today's devotion, notice verse 14. "This is my rest for ever:
here will I dwell; for I have desired it." Did you hear that?
God desired to find rest inside you and me. When we feel weighed down with the
things of this life, we can hear our Lord speak to our hearts if we will just
be calm and listen within.