Psalm 138:1-2 "I will praise thee with my whole heart: before the gods will I sing praise unto thee. (2) I will worship toward thy holy temple, and praise thy name for thy lovingkindness and for thy truth: for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name."
This particular Psalm seems to me to be one of commitment and dedication.
Following the commitment of these first two verses, comes verses of explanation
and thanksgiving that are given. David speaks in this Psalm concerning
the efficiency of God's Word. It is amazing to see how God still deals with His
people as He has all through the ages. He has not changed and His Word never
becomes weakened. It is of the utmost importance to apply ourselves to the Word
of God and become aware of the reality of its truth in our lives. When we walk in
the paths of God's Word, there is great joy and peace in our lives. And there
is no doubt that God is working through the principles laid down in His Word.
When we wait upon the Lord and His will for our lives, there is great joy to be
experienced. When we lay our struggles and our burdens down before Jesus, there
is great peace to know the Lord will make a way for us to enjoy that peace that
passes all understanding. When we are quiet before Him, we are made to
realize the truth that He will never leave us nor turn His back upon us.
God's Word is beautiful and it is true.
As David began to think upon that great truth, He realized the importance of
His commitment to God and to His Word. As a result, that commitment led to
praise. That praise led to heartfelt worship. That heartfelt worship led to
David's lifting the name of the Lord above all other names. That lifting up of
the name of the Lord led back to David's dependence upon the Lord's wonderful
promises. If you noticed, there is a cycle of life that is wonderful and
joyfully experienced when we follow the leadership of the Lord. He leads us to
those places of peace and contentment when there seems to be no way. This
might be a good time to go back and read Psalm 23 again. Have a blessed
day in the Lord.