Philippians 4:4 "Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice."
Paul ended chapter three by reminding us that our citizenship is in heaven.
That means we are strangers and pilgrims (foreigners) in this world. The old
Gospel song says, "This world is not my home. I'm just passing
After reminding us of this truth, he now is going to tell us how we should
act in this strange world in which we live. First, this world should seem
strange to us. The customs and traditions of the world and the actions of the
worldly minded should seem strange and out of place to us.
Today, he tells us to "rejoice in the Lord." There are times
when it seems our joy might be taken away from us. There are times when we just
aren't happy, but even in those times we can "let the mind of Christ"
be in us. It is through His mindset that we can still rejoice to know we belong
to our Father in heaven. His love has been given to us through the gift of His
only begotten Son. Jesus died for our sins. We are forever the children of the
Most High God.
It is in that mindset of being citizens of the heavenly kingdom that we can
rejoice in God's amazing grace even in the toughest storms of life. In those
toughest of times, let us rejoice and be glad in the work of our Father. His
love and mercy will see us through every trial that we endure in this life.