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Daily Devotion: Philippians 4:13

Philippians 4:13    "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." 

Throughout this book, Paul has given us instructions as to how we can live a joyful and productive life as a citizen of the heavenly kingdom. We can walk in fellowship with our Lord Jesus Christ and in fellowship with one another. We can face difficult situations with the confidence that God is working in our lives and bringing us to a place where we can find peace and joy in our lives. We can endure as we realize that we have the mind of Christ and the ability to use His direction rather than human logic.  We can forget past failures and concentrate on present grace. We can release the things from the past that weigh us down as we go forward with the expectation of experiencing freedom and joy in Jesus Christ. We can rejoice in Him. We can release anxiety through Him. We can be patient through His strength. We can take every burden that ever is placed upon us to the very throne of heaven and lay it down before our loving Father.

Yes, all those things are true, but we have an adversary called Satan. He walks around roaring all day long trying to disrupt and distract us from the goal of peace in Jesus Christ. Make no mistake, he is good at what he does. He is persistent in his craft. He has only one goal and that is to rob us of the joy that is our in Christ Jesus. He never seeks to help, but he always seeks to destroy, to devour all the joy that we could ever have in this life. He cannot take us from the family of God, but he can make us feel endangered of losing even our salvation. Be certain, nothing can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus. Nothing, nor anyone, can rob us of our eternal home in heaven. But he is definitely a master thief. He robs, he steals, he kills the joy and peace that is ours in Christ.

How can we overcome his wiles?  May I say that neither you nor I am able to overcome him with our own power. But there is victory to be experienced each day if we will do what God's Word instructs us to do.  "Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might.  (11)  Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil." (Ephesians 6:10-11)  Our strength is found in the Lord. Our confidence is in the Lord. We can be more than conquerors through the power of His might. Yes, "I can do all things (which strengtheneth me) through Christ."  If my English grammar lesson serves me correctly, I can move that phrase from the end to the middle without doing damage to the thought.  Be strong in His might in order to achieve success in His will.

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