Genesis 1:31 "And God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. And the evening and the morning were the sixth day."
"God saw every thing that He had made." God saw every - yes, every - thing that He had made. He saw light. He saw darkness. He saw firm ground and the water. He saw the sun, moon, and stars. He saw the grass and trees. He saw every fish. He saw every beast of the earth. And yes, God saw man. He declared every thing to be "very good".God made man in His image. I do not understand that to mean that man looks like God nor does God look like a man. Rather Adam was made in a sinless state. He was made pure as God is. We know that did not last very long, but God declared every thing, including Adam to be very good.
As we go forward in this study, let us be reminded of God's holiness and His perfect work of creation. As we think on those things, let us also stop to realize that man lost that state of sinlessness because of his transgression of the ONE law given by God. It was because of this transgression that Jesus came to this world to die for our sins.
Let us praise God for His marvelous work of mercy and grace given to us through His only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.