Nehemiah 10:39 “For the children of Israel and the children of Levi shall bring the offering of the corn, of the new wine, and the oil, unto the chambers, where are the vessels of the sanctuary, and the priests that minister, and the porters, and the singers: and we will not forsake the house of our God.”
Once again, I use one verse for the entire chapter. The first part of the chapter lists men’s names who were sealed unto the service of the Lord. I do not discount their names, for they were important examples unto the people of Judah who were making a vow unto the Lord that they would honor Him in all things. When you read through the chapter, you realize how serious they took their vow. They promised to give the firstfruit of the land unto the Lord. They would give the first of everything - fruit, crops, corn, cattle and sheep unto the Lord. They vowed to observe the feasts and festivals that honored the Lord for all He had done for them.
I read all their vows and am reminded that their having spent the past 70 years in bondage was due to their having forgotten the Lord and had neglected to observe the feasts that were set by the Lord. In other words, they allowed their own desires and designs for life to take the place of that which the Lord had commanded them. There are certain words that are repeated by the Lord when you read the various aspects of the law. Those repeated words show the results for the people when they followed the Lord: “It shall be well with thee.”
The theme of the book of Nehemiah is that of “restoration”. But
restoration can only come when God’s people turn back to Him. Can we
agree that restoration is needed in America today? Have we lost that which has
made us a great nation? Have we forgotten that God is to have first place in
our lives? Can we say that if we put God back as preeminent in our lives that
“it will be well” with us?