John 9:25 "Whether he be a sinner or no, I know not: one thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see."
These are beautiful words spoken by the man who had been blind from birth. A
quick recap reminds us that Jesus had made a spittle of clay and anointed the
blind man's eyes. He then told him to go wash in the pool of Siloam. His
sight came to him when he did as Jesus told him.. Can you imagine what a
glorious thing he experienced that day? The man was able to perfectly see
things he had never experienced before. He saw beautiful colors. He saw his
mother's face for the first time. He saw the flowers and trees all around him.
But the most glorious thing was when he saw the face of Jesus.
Did he understand everything that happened to him? I don't think so. Did he
understand everything about the One Who had performed this great miracle? I
don't think so. But even as the Pharisees were trying to get him to deny the
miracle, his understanding began to grow. He went from not knowing Jesus, to
knowing Him as a man, then as a prophet, and ultimately he was blessed to call
Him, Lord. I confess to you that I am a recovering Pharisee. I haven't
mastered it yet, but I'm working on it. When I was first ordained, I thought,
just as those Pharisees, everyone had to see and understand things exactly as I
did. Well, in my recovering state, I am seeing more clearly and realize that I
didn't know anything when I was wanting everyone to be like me.. I am thankful
that the Lord is patient and has His arms wide open for me as I am still being
brought to a more clear understanding of Who He is.
This man did not understand everything, but there was one thing that he did
know: He was blind, but now he could see. John Newton had that same experience
when he wrote the words to Amazing Grace. "Amazing grace, how sweet the
sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found. Was bling,
but now I see." And I love the words added by Chris Tomlin, "My
chains are gone, I've been set free. My God, My Saviour has ransomed me. And
like a flood His mercy reigns. Unending love. Amazing grace." Oh what
a glorious Saviour is Jesus Christ our Lord.