Mark 14:8 "She hath done what she could..."
Today's passage of Scripture concerns the woman who came to anoint Jesus before
His betrayal. She came in with a jar of spikenard which was very costly.
Because she was not going to hold anything back, she broke the top of the
bottle and poured it upon the head of Jesus. The ointment then ran down his
head, his beard, and upon His garments. It is said that she spent a year's
worth of wages in order to purchase this expensive ointment. Judas complained
that the oil could have been sold and the money given to the poor. Jesus was
very much to the point when He said, " Let her alone... she hath done what
she could do..... "
My thoughts this morning are also very pointed; but, they are pointed back to
me. Maybe they point at you also. James wrote to those people who had been
scattered because of persecution that the Word of God is like a mirror. But it
does us no good if we look into the mirror, see what we really are, but then
quickly forget what we see about ourselves. Why would I bring that into my
thoughts just now? For me, it is because of today's verse of
Scripture. Jesus said of the woman, "She has done what she could
do." As I look into the mirror of those words, I must ask myself, "Am
I doing what I can do?" In my years, I have heard and I have used
about every excuse in the book. But, if I take an honest look into the mirror,
I must ask, "Am I doing what I can do?" Yes, I am repeating
that phrase because it is of the utmost importance that we use the gifts given
to us from God.
There is much I could write concerning that question, but I leave it at this
point in order for everyone who reads this to stop and ask that same question
as you look into the mirror? May the Lord give each of us the vision and the
desire to do His will in our lives.