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Daily Devotion: 1 Chronicles 29:13

1 Chronicles 29:13    "Now therefore, our God, we thank thee, and praise thy glorious name."

Yesterday, we looked at Psalm 100:4 concerning our entering the gates of God with thanksgiving and into His courts with our praise. We see David applying this principle as he is honoring God with the substance of material goods that he and the people have brought for the building of the temple. David is acknowledging something that is all too often overlooked in the world: Everything belongs to God. He declares in verse 12, "Both riches and honour come of thee..."  At the risk of repeating myself from an earlier writing, everything good about us comes from God and belongs to Him. Paul would state it in this manner: "For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory for ever. Amen." (Romans 11:36)  All good things are of Him; that is, they come from Him and they are to be given back to Him through thanksgiving and praise.

As we look back through the list of great men and women in the Bible, David certainly ranks high on the list. He wasn't perfect, but neither were any of the others. God spoke of him as being a man after His own heart. David's approach to this great deed of bringing materials together was one of being thankful and giving praise and honor unto the Lord. Then to drive that point home to all who read this chapter in 1 Chronicles, David asked a question: "But who am I... to be able to offer so willingly...?"  As David entered the gates and into the courts of God, he was humbled to know where God had brought him from and where he had been placed. When even his own father saw David as a lad, God saw him as King. David realized every blessing came from the Father in heaven. Today, I want to be thankful for the blessings God has bestowed. I want to thank Him for seeing more in me than I could see in myself. God is so good and I thank Him and praise His glorious name!

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