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Daily Devotion: Galatians 6:18

Galatians 6:18    "Brethren, the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen."

Although this letter had been written in order to refute a false teaching that had been introduced and received by the Galatians, Paul concluded the letter with the word, "Brethren."  He understood the meaning and impact of using this word when dealing with these people who he loved dearly. He had heard that word at a time in his life when he needed comforting. After Jesus appeared to Saul (Paul) on the road to Damascus, He sent Ananias to talk to him.  In Acts 9:17, we read that Ananias "... entered into the house; and putting his hands on him said, Brother Saul..." These two actions, that we might read right over without a thought, meant something wonderful to Saul. Someone who a short time before had been an enemy to him was now placing his hand on his shoulder and  calling him, "Brother".  So, as Paul is concluding this letter, he does not use the word lightly. He wanted them to know that he was not their enemy even though they had followed after a different teaching.

It is important for us to all realize that we are part of a bigger family than we even know about. In Christ, we have brothers and sisters all over the world. We have been placed in a larger group of people and that family is called the family of God.  We may not use the terminology as much today as was once seen, but it still is a grand truth and worthy of our consideration. We are brothers and sisters in Christ. Paul is reminding them for this last time in this letter that we are indeed saved by the grace of God. And because of that, he is exhorting them to allow that grace to be a daily part of their character and their actions. "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit." In other words, as you have received grace, use that grace in your own life and in dealing with others.  Understand  grace to be the very DNA of your life.  You can't go wrong with being gracious to others.

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